Saturday, 18 May 2013

Our travel time is coming to an end

Well we are coming to the end of travels, tonight we are in Esperance WA having traveled the Nullabor which is 1200k's long from Ceduna in SA to Norseman in WA with no towns in between just roadhouses for fuel and supplies. We did a shop in Ceduna and while in the supermarket I saw two aborigine girls about 5 years old pocket a packet of chewing gum each and I mean pocket they made sure it was deep in their pockets, so I said, sweetie you can't put that in your pocket before you have paid the lady, they looked shocked at this, what a funny rule, anyway they took them out of their pockets, walked away and then came back and put the chewing gum back, I think I did my bit for the shop lifting in Ceduna.  The first night we stopped in Penong about 70k out of Ceduna and caught up with Colin and Gael, we decided not to convoy together but just catch up along the Nullabor . Next day we travelled to Eucla going through the SA/WA border where we had to declare and hand over our veg and fruit also nuts in the shell and honey, the quarantine officer was very interested in our avan and asked more questions about it than the fruit and veg, so now until we reach Noresman we have no fresh fruit or veg. It was a lovely mild evening at Eucla but cold when we got up the next morning, the c/park was $20 and it cost a dollar to have a shower, you put your coin in and then the water flows and you go as quick as you can, usually plenty of time but because water is scarce here it has to be rationed.
After Eucla it was a long drive to Fraser Range Station about 600 k and we swapped drivers a few times on this stretch, we saw some great eagles really big but no photos, they were busy feeding on road kill and when travelling at 100k towing a van it's not easy to stop and they would have flew away once we stopped, we got to the station about 3.45pm caught up with Colin and Gael, had showers and then sat around the campfire, lovely spot and we much prefer these bush camps to caravan parks, here again it was $1 for showers, Gael and Colin decided to stay 2 nights and have a relaxing day but we decided to travel to Esperance, stopped at Norseman and they had a small market going so had a coffee and some hot donuts before heading to camp at Esperance where we will stay and have a relax.
Tea tonight is fish/steak, coleslaw and potatoes
I will post some photos tmw 

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