Monday, 6 May 2013

Our last day on the Murray

Heard some rain in the night and Brian got up at 2am to make sure we hadn't left to much out in the rain, it didn't rain much and the day has been cloudy but no rain. It was cold first thing and no power meant no heater, glad I had my winter PJ's on. We took a drive into Renmark, organised a wheel alignment for the car for tomorrow and had coffee and scones at the Riverside Cafe, then a drive to Berri and a look around and back to camp for lunch and a lazy afternoon. We feel ready to move on from the Murray tomorrow and after the wheel thingy we will pack up and move further into SA, again not sure where we will stop, but Burra is a town we have visited before and enjoyed.
Morning tea at Riverside Cafe
Can you see the waterline on the trees, this where the flood waters would have been, last major flood was 1993
A bit blurry this photo but its a water bird, see the spoonbill, it was walking along feeding on the edge of the river
One of the hen type birds we see often
Our campfire with a pelican sailing by

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