Friday, 12 April 2013

Touring around

Weather cleared today and we had an explore, drove back to Sorrento via some lovely country rds, we had coffee and vanilla slice from a shop famous for its vanilla slice and lovely too, but Thelma could make the custard as good, I miss doing a bit of baking, we drove back via a place called Rosebud, what a nice name, good town but busy with shops, Target, Kmart etc, we did some food shopping and a new pillow for Brian as he has had a sore neck and of course an Op shop
There is a train station here at Stony Point, end of the line for the Frankston train, spoke to the driver and no problem taking dogs on the train, they are supposed to be contained, but someone as cute as Bentley would be no problem, it's 40mins to Frankston, which is the other side of the peninsula and then we can change trains to go to Melbourne, we are thinking about it !!
Strange to think that yesterday we had trouble finding a caravan park that would allow dogs but we can get on a train with him, weird as Scott would say
Sorrento, ducks having a sleep
Sorrento water bird looking for a feed
Train at Stony Point Station, dogs allowed

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