Tuesday, 8 April 2014

Moving away from the Murray

We have now moved away from the Murray river, we have enjoyed our meander and camps along the river but felt ready to move on. We travelled south west, not very far to Beechworth, lovely town with of course the Beechworth bakery. No free camping close to town so we travelled out to Everton about 15 mins away and found a place by the  Ovens river, busy campsite when we arrived yesterday but today when the rain came it's almost deserted. We are close to the Great Alpine Rd and areas like Falls Creek, Mt Beauty and Mt Hotham which we hope to visit, as I said the rain came this morning, first heavy rain we have had, we took a drive to nearby Myrtleford and up Mt Stanley, our plan was to have a picnic lunch out but the rain was steady drizzle so, we drove to Beechworth and had coffee and cake at the bakery and back to camp with our picnic lunch. So nice to be in our van with the rain outside and we are cosy inside..... Only Bentley wants to keep going out in the rain!!!
Planning on cooking a potato bake in our oven and having some chicken with it for tea. We picked up some chestnuts on our travels today and hope to roast them tonight 

Causeway and bridge at Yarrawonga

We had a drive to Rutherglen, never did find the Port!!!

One of the Towers at Beechworth Gaol

 Lovely autumn tree at Stanley, I think Bentley has similar colours to the tree

Finished with cake at the bakery, beesting and a snicker doodle 

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