Wednesday, 16 April 2014

Falls Creek

Yesterday we decided on a drive, we had been given a drive by the tourist bureau that took in Falls creek and Mt Hotham and was about 250 ks and took about 6 hrs plus. We decided a bit of long day so opted for just doing half the trip going to Falls creek which was just as well as that took us about 6 hrs !!! We wound up mountains again just like Mt Buffalo, good bitumen  roads and as you get towards the top the road markings are in yellow instead of white, we think that is because the yellow would show through the snow?? On the way up stopped at Mt Beauty town, lovely place and very vibrant, busy etc. we had coffee and cake at the bakery before heading further up, next stop was Bogong which was a hydro electric town but don't think anything is happening there now, pretty place with a lake/dam and a few residents, cafe open at weekends otherwise the buildings were taken over by an outdoor activity centre. We then reached Falls creek which is a ski resort and of course very quiet this time of the year, the season starts in June, weather was cool and overcast this far up and I was glad to turn around and head back to Mt Beauty where we had lunch by the lake, also some shopping in the town, buying ourselves a double jaffle iron for the campfire.
It was gone 4 pm when we got back to camp and time to light the campfire as it gets cold once the sun goes behind the trees, sat by the fire till 6 and then in the van for our tea and an early night .....

Looking down on the town of Mt Beauty

Lake at Bogong

Resort at Falls Creek, very quiet but imagine it would be crowded and busy once the season starts
This is the way to travel the snowy mountain roads

Lake and picnic area at Mt Beauty
As we had lost our day bag and flask we used this bag I had bought at a garage sale for $5 in Albany, I knew it would come in handy, also had to take our stove and billy with us till we pick up another flask 

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