Sunday, 4 September 2016

Back to Sandstone

Well our decision was to head back to Sandstone, we didn't set off till nearly lunch time as weather was cool and cloudy and we spent time chatting with Ron. Weather improved as we headed out and we got site 33 at Sandstone, site 34 last time so like coming home. Weather warm and sunny and we spent Friday and Saturday morning out prospecting, no gold.. Saturday was a bit frustrating as Brian had trouble with the re-chargeable batteries and we decided to finish about 12.30 and headed back by a different track, it was an old fence line with the wire laying on the ground and sometimes narrower than what we like, got towards the end and lots of wire on the ground so I decided to get out and check we weren't going to get wire trapped around the wheels and tripped over said wire! very unladylike like sprawl but no damage. Didn't get back to camp till 2 pm, track was a bit longer and slower than we realised!! 
Saturday night was pizza night ordered from William our fruit and veg man and we watched movie Mama Mia with a bottle of wine.
We were planning on leaving today, Sunday, but Kerry one of the permanent guys was taking a few people out on a tag a long so Brian joined them, I opted to stay at camp, gave the van a tidy and clean etc, they all got back about 1.30 but no gold but think good fun for them all.
Will start heading home to Albany tomorrow 
Detecting time

Made sure car is parked in the shade
Bentley is enjoying a bone from Brian's tea last night

William and his fruit and veg stall, Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday mornings, always get a Vienna loaf from him plus a Lamington, plus vegies.
Very big Lamington for our morning tea while prospecting.
Pizza for tea, vegatarian on the left, meat on the right, very yummy.

Night sky last night with a sliver of the moon and a star

Brian didn't get gold today but brought back this horseshoe, pretty big and old, Clydesdale maybe 

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