Friday, 7 August 2015

Upgraded in Broome

Well we decided to accept our patch of red dirt and enjoy Broome, we set off to the night markets, which was in walking distance, and Stairway to the moon, very busy and people 3 deep at the rail waiting for Stairway, took lots of photos but very hard to get a good one, was magical just watching the moon rise and the stairway appear on the water....

The next day Sunday was misty and foggy till about 9.00am and then we suddenly got upgraded to a power site..... I think the change in the weather moved people on, anyway it was lovely to have a normal site.

We decided to stay for the week which is the limit here, have been enjoying Broome, love Chinatown and the little shops, cafes etc.

I was able to catch up with my friend Ann from Albany who has relocated herself to Broome, she took me to a brewery/wine bar called Matso, great place, haven't had "girlfriend" time for a while, was good.

We have driven along Cable Beach and also Gantheume beach where we went for a sunset, was fantastic, we took wine and nibbles down there and watched the sunset, again just magical to watch.

Each day has been about 30 degrees with cool mornings and evenings.

Broome time is a very relaxed time, we took the car for service Tuesday and didn't get it back till late Wednesday morning, but we were given a small Kia Rio to keep us mobile......

Our normal site, Brian did some good reversing to get between the coconut palms
Night markets
My not too good Stairway photo, Brian did a lot better, it was easier to just enjoy and not worry to much about a photo
Windsurfing at town beach, lovely cafe here too, had coffee of course

Our Kia Rio which kept us mobile
Pearl Lugger, in dry dock now

At beach ready for sunset can you see Bentley, he just ran and ran to the water
So happy with himself, on one leg here, 
And after the sunset, it was very hard to leave, just wanted to sit and watch the sky change colour 

Outdoor area at Matso where I met Ann and then took Brian and we enjoyed a Mango Beer and chips........ Loved it 
Cable Beach, had to make Brian park as he just wanted to keep on driving......

We have both enjoyed Broome, has been great to have the week here, hope we can get back here another time

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