Well after we left Darwin our plan was to head to Katherine and we headed to a rest area outside of Adelaide River for an overnight stop, and played with our new Metal Dectector that we bought in Darwin, lots of fun, the next morning we thought we won't rush off and spent time with the Dectector. We realised a camper van ( whizz bang) was having trouble getting going, Brian and a couple of guys went over to help, I chatted to the girl from the camper and realised we had crossed paths before, she had been driving a Hyundai car and we had been crossing paths from Queensland to NT, she had headed to Broome and sold her Hyundai there and was heading back to Germany, hitched a lift in the camper at Kunnanurra to get Darwin for her flight to Germany...... Once we realised she needed to get to Darwin and the camper was not going to move, Brian drove her back to Adelaide River (33ks) and she got a lift to Darwin, someone towed the camper to Adelaide River with the hope it would get fixed....... By that time it was lunch, getting warm and we headed down the road to Hayes Creek, roadhouse there and a caravan park behind. We decided on a stop, needed power, air con etc, turned out to be a great little spot, stayed a week............... Met Cherie and Chris from Mandurah WA, Cherie does hairdressing on the road so both Brian had I hair cuts. We played with our detector, digging holes and filling them in around the park! Anyway there was a gold info afternoon on Sat18th July about 30ks away at Grove Hill so we stayed around and went there on Saturday, learnt a few tips, mostly, keep playing, using the Dectector, in between we visited a WW2 U.S army hospital site and fossicked around there. So far between the Caravan Park and the hospital base we have found $4, rusty nails, car parts dating back to the late 40s and a bullet casing....... No gold YET.
Anyway after a week relaxing, having a swim in the pool, walk at the creek and fossicking we finally made it to Katherine.
Our lovely site at Hayes Creek, plenty of room for Bentley to roam
Fossicking at WW2 US Hospital
Spent time working out where everything was, we found the mechanics area I think
Grove Hill Hotel where we had Gold Info Day
Caravan Park at Katherine, entertainment by Ken O'Shea, country and a bit of rock and roll, was a good night
We will head off tomorrow towards the WA border with an overnight stop on the way
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