Tuesday, 2 June 2015

Atherton Tablelands

After our lovely visit to Paronella Park we decided it was time to head up to the Tablelands, it's quite a climb up to the Tablelands and it was raining when we left Innisfail, we choose the Palmeston Hwy as being the easiest of the roads and it was a steady winding climb, down to 2nd and 3rd gear at times, we still had cloud when we got to the top but no rain, cooler than down on the coast. Lots of little towns up here, two main ones are Atherton and Mareeba, we choose a caravan park near Yungaburra for a couple of nights and then decided on a free camp outside Atherton, where we are now, the plan is to stay here another night or so and then move to Mareeba and stay at the Rodeo Grounds for $18 @ night, while we explore around that area.
It's a very fertile area being volcanic long ago, so we have tea plantation, coffee plantations, dairy farms, cane and banana farms, lots of lovely coffee shops, ice cream shops to visit.......

Quite a few waterfalls, Milla Milla being the most popular

Zillie Falls, I liked this one the best even though it was a long walk down..... And then lots of steps back up again
Curtain Fig tree
How it was formed
Town of Herberton, oldest town on the Tablelands, hilly as you can see

Malanda Falls, here we saw a baby Platypus in the water ...
Had to be quick to get a photo, but exciting to see one 

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