Saturday, 24 May 2014

Lightning Ridge still

We are now on to our fourth night here, a record for us don't usually stay in a caravan park for more than two nights, but have enjoyed the park and found lots to see and do in the "ridge"

We will be moving on tomorrow heading north to Queensland but not sure where yet.

Yesterday we went through the opal fields and to the Pubs in the Scrup, 3 of them. The Club, Sheepyard, and Glengarry Hilton.  Started on bitumen. But it had about 6 cattle grids on it, Bentley hates them, gets himself stressed out, fine when we hit the dirt rd and into the opal fields. We stopped at the Club first, then Sheepyard, where we had a drink and a chat then on to Glengarry Hilton where we had drink and lunch. All through the drive on the opal fields there are camps, some working some not, it would be so hot out here in the summer, no wonder they need 3 pubs.
Today we had a relaxing day, bacon and egg breakfast, a drive, a bit if fossicking, found a few slivers of what might be opal and then a coffee in town. Brian gave the car a wash, it was covered in white dust from the roads.
Some photos from our drive out to the Pubs
We missed the fresh bread, only baked Tuesday, Thursday and Sat, we were there Friday..

We had lunch here, burger for Brian, chicken and chips for me, no photos of food as the flies were so bad we had to keep food covered and eat quickly !!! 

Amigos Castle, he started building this in the 80's, never finished, now a tourist attraction

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