Well on Saturday we moved here to Echuca, we thought we would find a free spot on the Murray by the river but not to be, we found the area but were disappointed, very muddy in places and lots of campers and after wandering around we decided it wasn't for us, we headed for the Golf club in Moamba on the NSW side of the river and they allow caravans to camp at the back of the resort, lovely spot, about 5 other vans here and it wasn't until we had unhooked and were settling in that I suddenly thought do they allow dogs here, a quick check of Wiki camps says No Dogs..... Oops I missed that didn't I, well felt in a bit of a panic, we had had a long day, it was 4 pm and we didn't want to move, so kept quiet, did think of hiding Bentley under a blanket and only taking him out when it was dark but that was a bit extreme, anyway saw that one other van had a dog, so relaxed a little and thought if anyone tells us to move we will but otherwise just enjoy. It's a great spot, actually a resort, spa, pool, motel as well as the club rooms with 2 bars, bistro, coffee shop and of course gaming room, it's like camping at the Burswood Casino.
Sunday we enjoyed in the port area of Echuca where all the paddle steamers are, we had coffee at the Beechworth Bakery, which is a well known bakery in this area.
Today we went on a paddle steamer for a cruise and they allowed dogs, so Bentley came too, even had his own ticket! We decided on lunch at the club when we got back and then later back into town to pick up some mail ( thanks Deb) we had coffee and cake at the bakery, needless to say I'm not hungry for tea now.....
Beechworth Bakery
Lovely garden cafe in Echuca
Cruising down the river
Bentley keeping an eye on the engine, obviously knows this is the heart of things.

I'm sure Bentley is enjoying the trip all the othe passengers thought he was very cute !
View over the green while we were having lunch
Lunch, quiche for me fish and chips for Brian
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